Kepahiang Regency in Figures 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kepahiang Regency

Kunjungi Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Kepahiang Komplek Perkantoran Pemda Desa Pelangkian, Setiap Hari Kerja Senin - Jumat Pukul 08.00 WIB s.d. 15.30 WIB || Data Mencerdaskan Bangsa ||

Kepahiang Regency in Figures 2016

Catalog Number : 1102001.1708
Publication Number : 17080.1601
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 15, 2016
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size :  MB


Kepahiang Regency in Figures is an annual publication that is published periodically by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Kepahiang . This publication is intended to provide an overview of the development of the Kepahiang regency generally covering the state of geography and climate , governance , population and employment, social , agricultural , industrial , mining and energy , hotel and tourism , transport and communications , local finance and pricing , spending residents and consumption of food , and the regional income comparisons between districts / cities . The data presented in this publication is not much different from the publication of the previous year and have always endeavored data continuity . By presenting a good few years tramstop on data collected directly ( primary data ) and data quoted from the administration of the Agency / Department / Institution Government and private ( secondary data ) .
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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